Blog Posts

Dynamic Site
A dynamic site is commonly built in a script language. Most use the php language to query a database spreadsheet similar to excel it is known as the (brain). A php interactive Form will interact with this database spreadsheet to post & get information with the spreadsheet. For example, […]

Activate Free Website Hosting Features
<< previous article Create, Upload and Edit your Website Real Time if you have not noticed most of your work will occur inside the Website Domain cPanel. this is again the area for everyone, you, us, webdesigners and so forth. not your Website Hosting cPanel wich is strictly for you. Now […]

Create or Upload and Edit your Website Real Time
<< previouse article: Setup Website Email Addresses and Forwarders How to FTP: login into your hotrock client area and at the top click “my services” then scroll down to where you see your website name highlighted, then look to the right and click the little spreadsheet image, then scroll down on […]

Setup Website Email Addresses and Forwarders with our cPanel
<< previouse Article: New Client Live demo Website Domain cPanel that you will be using to manage your website and websit features: Username: x3demob Password: x3demob Once you have completed the registration process you will be Automatically logged into your Hosting cPanel area, the pages will look the same as the […]

New Client
Begin by selecting a Web App on the Home Page. Next enter the App Name in the box provided. Do not use www. or .com or spaces or symbols. Only one word: hotrockhosting [Click to Continue >>] and Scroll down and you will see if the name is available to assign […]

Submit Website and App to Search Engines
Previous Article: Activate Free Website Hosting Features To publish to the iPhone Market, list your Mobile Blog here: . To publish an app version to the Android Market, activate the Installed Plugin,Select on left menu Settings>Android. Register to modify and download the “APK Package” , for upload to the Droid Market here: […]

Dynamic Website Application (AI)
Virtual Brick and Mortar In the beginning a web site was like an Electronic catalog/book version of an actual brick and mortar office/warehouse/department front. On the internet, one would lease a piece of property to build an office/warehouse virtual environment and then would advertise that virtual office/warehouse back to the […]