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Page Ranking

Once a site is up and running one will then want to get the word out.
One way is to do a back link campaign to a site. Another words, visit
the competition or industry similar sites and try to put a hyperlink
on their site that when clicked on will take a person to your site.
This is similar to when a menu link on the home page says contact us
and directs us to the contact page. This is the similar to your menu internal links, but it is
another website in your industry that is linked back to your home page or subpage.

Start by Using an Anchor tag with the SEO key word or phrase in the text of it. For
example, the html code may look like <a href=””>Dynamic Website Application</a> , but when the public views the page they just see Dynamic Website Application and are brought to this page.


For instance our website can be found on google searching for the phrase make a mobile website

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